Our Instagram Filters


Meta has announced that as of January 14, 2025 (more info), custom augmented reality (AR) filters and effects will no longer be supported on its apps. This decision also results in the closure of Meta Spark Studio, the tool that allows third-party developers to create these visual effects.

In light of this change, we are now supporting you on TikTok and Snapchat! 🚀

We have selected thoses filters in order to help you understand the possibilities of this revolutionary technology and above all allow you to visualize your own augmented reality project.

We have selected thoses filters in order to help you understand the possibilities of this revolutionary technology and above all allow you to visualize your own augmented reality project.

Elizabeth Arden

Elizabeth Arden

Curse of Manor

Curse of the Manor

Eyes of Fashion x Love in Paris

Eyes of Fashion x Love in Paris

Hearts in Paris

Hearts in Paris x The Sandbox

Love in Paris

Excelsior x The Sandbox


Excelsior x The Sandbox

Rivage Obscur

Rivage Obscur – Patrice Guirao

Pyjamasques / Gallimard

Pyjamasques – Gallimard Ed.

Jo Di Bona

Jo Di Bona – Galerie Roussard

DrĂŽle de Petites BĂȘtes

DrĂŽle de Petites BĂȘtes – Gallimard Ed.

Trotro / Gallimard

Trotro – Gallimard Ed.

Gruffalo / Gallimard

Gruffalo – Gallimard Ed.

Paris Dauphine PSL

Paris Dauphine PSL University



Shangri-La Frontier – GlĂ©nat Ed.

Far Cry 6 / Ubisoft

Far Cry 6 / Ubisoft

La Passe-Miroir

La Passe-Miroir – Gallimard Ed.

Wich heroine are you? – GlĂ©nat Ed.

Instagram filter Alsace Tourism

Alsace Tourism

Instagram filter 3D Portal Museum AR

AR Museum

Instagram Filter Fly Emirates logo AR

Fly Emirates AR logo

Instagram Filter AR Logo Dubai

DubaĂŻ AR Logo

IESEG Instagram Filter AR


Le Chat de Geluck - Edition Casterman Filter

Le Chat de Geluck – Casterman Ed.

Instagram Filter AR Logo SackTime

SackTime AR Logo

Filtre Carrousel Mont Roucous

Mont Roucous

Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut

Instagram Filter Solo Leveling Manga Anim Delcourt

Solo Leveling – Delcourt Ed.

Instagram Filter Yeli


Youpix / Laposte

YouPix / La Poste

Carrousel Instagram Filter Margaux Motin

Margaux Motin – Casterman Ed.

Transition Pro

Transition Pro

Margaux Motin Instagram AR Filter French Cartoon Casterman

Margaux Motin – Casterman Ed.

Chagrimm Lashes MakeUp Filter AR Instagram

Chagrimm Lashes

Instagram AR Filter Google Chromebook

Google Chromebook

Digimon Filter Instagram Manga


Filtre Acuitis Instagram : choisir sa paire de lunette en réalité augmentée


Filtre AR Instagram Courbet


Filtre Magic Dream : masque en or magique

Magic Dream Gold Mask

Instagram Makeup filter AR

Make-up Filter

Magic Dream Tattoo

ShiFuMi Filter Game Instagram

Shi Fu Mi

Instagram AR Filter Kira Make Up

Kira Make Up

Instagram AR filter Santa Workshop

Santa Workshop

Filtre Saint Valentin Tattoo

Love Tattoo

Insta filter New Eve 2022 Augmented Reality

Happy New Year 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 Instagram Filter AR Futurist

Cybercam 2077

Instagram AR Game Filter Santa Run

Santa Run

PolaroĂŻd Christmas filter for Instagram

Christmas PolaroĂŻd

Instagram Filter Hair Color Neon

Neon Hair

Instagram Filter Halloween 2020 Selfie mask AR

Scary Halloween

Yummi Sushi Eater

Which Country ?

Jeux vidéo


Movie Time !

Sketch It!

Interactive Men

NĂ©on ÎČ

TV Show Quizz

NĂ©on âș

Vintage Camera

La Vie en Rose

Steampunk Hat

3D Ciné

Cartoon Big Eyes

Be a Super Saiyan


Medieval Helmet


Fortnite: Oblivion

Our creative team supports you on your Instagram filter creation requests: Creation of video games and retro-gaming for Instagram, Presentation of Products in 3D AR, Augmented Reality Marker, Quizz, Selfie and Appearance Filters, Music filters and effects, Camera Effects, Digital Art, Branding…

But also on the implementation of your digital strategy.