Why create a filter?
In France, Instagram is considered by influencers in 2019 as the network generating the most engagement (for 71.7% of the influencers surveyed).

Luxury, sportswear and beauty are the top 3 sectors for which brands appeal most to influencers for their Instagram marketing strategy. 91% of Luxury brands use Instagram influencers. But not only !
33% of the most watched Stories come from brands.
62% of users say they are more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in a Story.
Regarding Instagram filters, it should be understood that the platform pushes “filtered” content and increases their visibility. Take a test for yourself, an “augmented” publication gets between 4 and 100 times more views. The time spent on an Augmented or “filtered” Story is 8 times greater.
On top of that, it is simply fabulous to invite fans of a brand to fully immerse themselves in the universe of the brand and to become an active Brand Ambassador by sharing unique content.
So convinced?